How To Eat Healthy With Simple Food Swaps
Wednesday, 25 July 2018 18:22

If you are not actively tracking what you put into your body, it's very easy for extra calories to sneak into your diet (and your waistline)! There are many easy trades that you can make throughout the day to ensure that you're not accidentally eating at a large surplus that may cause you to inadvertently gain weight. Even if you're not making a pointed effort to diet, these realistic food swaps can help you look and feel your best.

Even the most general of searches around weight loss tips will likely return something that recommends you start incorporating apple cider vinegar into your diet to expedite the weight loss process. Sounds gross, right? Some might tell you it actually is, but we’ll tell you this: apple cider vinegar does, in fact, help with weight loss.

Why Is Flexibility So Important?
Monday, 18 June 2018 19:39

It’s easy to assume that flexibility is only important for gymnasts and dancers who have to do the splits. Did you know that flexibility actually plays a role in the basic actions that you perform every day? To lean down to pick your purse or briefcase up off the floor, you need flexibility. To twist in your chair and grab the ringing phone, you guessed it, you need flexibility. To get those stray hairs down by your ankle, you need to have some flexibility.

These days a nutrition or fitness “expert” is just a stone's throw away. Whether you're browsing your Instagram feed or reading your monthly copy of a health magazine, there is going to be someone telling you about the next best way to lose weight or achieve your fitness goals. Unfortunately, many of the viral posts that make their way around our digital worlds are filled with inaccurate weight loss myths, so we're here to bust through some of the clutter and provide you with accurate, informative tips on achieving your weight loss goals.

If you’ve ever found yourself caught an hour deep in an episode of Dancing With The Stars (no shame - we’ve all been there!), you’ve likely noticed that the professional dancers are more toned than your average Baywatch lifeguard. There is a reason many celebs who are featured on the show find themselves shedding more pounds than they ever thought possible. Dancing is actually one of the most effective styles of workouts and, often, it’s so fun you don’t even realize that you’re working out. While the pros of dance workouts are abundant, we’ve narrowed it down to four key reasons why you should try a dance workout in Denver today!

With summer right around the corner, more and more people are looking for ways to get their bikini bodies ready for swimsuit season. Chances are, you've read more than a few blogs, Instagram posts, and articles that tell you to exercise, eat right, and so on. You may think you're eating right because you've swapped out your weekly pizza for a salad, but eating a balanced diet is much more than filling your plate with more “good” foods and less “bad” ones.

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